Monday, February 18, 2013

Look What I Found!

The other day while I was in the supermarket looking around to see what was left over from Valentine's Day I came across these new items. I stopped in my tracks! I LOVE cool whip and could not believe that they came out with their own frosting. I had to buy one of each just so I could have a taste. The vanilla was just like the whip but a little thicker. The chocolate was a whole other experience. It was GREAT! I wish my own tasted as good as this. It's the type that even taste good if you needed to fill a cupcake in the center. I loved it. Both were so smooth and fluffy! 
frosting 3
Now if you know me by now you know that I love S'more's. When I saw this I could have fallen on th floor. Even if it tasted bad I would have still loved it. I must say Jello out did themselves. What a neat idea that tastes great! Now why couldn't I have thought of this? It's truly a great little treat. Now lets see if they can come up with it being sugar-free!
jello 1
They just keep coming up with more and more flavors! I spotted this right on the isle and could not believe my eyes. Again and again more and more flavors making it easy for anyone to use a can. NOT FAIR! I work hard making my flavors. Again had to buy these to see how they taste. As usual they did it again. The key lime was perfect. Loved it. I hear these are only for the summer. You have to try it. Just because it's there!
frosting 2


Sandra Lee said...

Looks like you hit the jackpot!!!!

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