Contact Me


I’m so excited that you are considering advertising on My Dream Party.  My sponsor rate is for a 125px x 125px ad space on the right hand side of my blog.
The rate for this is $10.00 per month.  This also includes 2 bi-weekly posts on my facebook page, a link and an ad on my newsletter that is sent to over 2000 people.

I  also LOVE to offer giveaways to my readers!
Giveaways are fun for you and I.  Our readers love giveaways.  We will make sure you get top exposure when offering a giveaway.  
I love sharing party themes and ideas.  If you have a pictures of a party and or a special theme, Please share with my readers and I! 
Product Reviews
If you have a product that you would like me to review please contact me.  I would love to consider giving a detailed review of your product to my followers.  
Contact information is